STAGING Support London Youth Rowing through Regatta London - British Rowing

Support London Youth Rowing through Regatta London

London Youth Rowing share why you should take part in this year’s Regatta London


On the 29 September 2019, rowing is set to take over the River Thames like never before.

Regatta London is a 14 mile race through central London from Hammersmith to Greenwich. Not only will the Thames Barriers will be closed, making the journey past iconic London landmarks, smooth and fast but there will be a full river closure meaning that rowers will have the river to themselves. When you cross the finish line, a post-race celebration will be waiting for you. But, above all else, your efforts will help hundreds of young people try rowing for the first time.


London Youth Rowing (LYR) are an official Headline Charity Partner for the event.

Rowing can change a young person’s life. LYR gets disadvantaged young people active through rowing, improving their physical, social and mental wellbeing. Their programmes work with over 8,000 young people each year in schools and rowing clubs, providing indoor rowing, on-water rowing and life skills mentoring programmes.

Regatta London is catering for charity fundraising in a similar way to the Virgin Money London Marathon or Prudential Ride London. This means you can get your hands on a place by rowing on behalf of LYR while fundraising towards their rowing programmes.

“We are really excited to be a charity partner for the inaugural Regatta London event,” said Matt Rostron, CEO of LYR.

“It is not only going to be a fantastic way to showcase the sport, and bring it up alongside other mass participation events, but also help support so many young people at the same time. We work hard to make rowing accessible, affordable, inclusive, diverse… this event is a chance for the rowing community to help us strengthen that mission.”

The event was originally thought up by triple Olympic Champion, Andrew Triggs Hodge, who has been searching for ways to “communicate the real magic of our sport to an audience wider than our own.” He hopes the event can act as a link between participation and performance rowing.

Triggs Hodge said:

“This is my passion that has replaced the Olympic dream. I’m asking you to be a part of this from year one. I’m asking you to race it to win or race it for fun, to fundraise for charities or just buy a place, in male, female or mixed crews. To invite your mates and teach them to row for the event, because why not!”

Regatta London is currently open to the following boat classes: eights, coxed quads, coxed fours and fixed seat skerries. Crews can be made up of a combination of men and women, and cost of entry is £40 per person. After this, both LYR and the Regatta London team are on hand to help support your fundraising efforts.

To find out more and to enter a crew visit