STAGING Safeguarding and Protecting Children training - British Rowing

Safeguarding and Protecting Children training

Endorsed by British Rowing and updated February 2020.


Please note that this guidance and the courses endorsed below reflect the interim position adopted by British Rowing while we review delivery of British Rowing Safeguarding and Protecting Children workshops. Any change will be circulated as soon as available.

Coaches employed by schools or employed/volunteering in clubs

Coaches from schools who need to undertake a Safeguarding and Protecting Children (SPC) workshop can obtain a certificate from a third-party provider, such as training delivered by the Local Authority or UK Coaching, as long as they can provide a signed certificate which is no more than three years old. Coaches who have undergone a face-to-face SPC course in the last three years but need to renew can undertake an online Safeguarding and Protecting Children course with Educare or UK Coaching.


The certificate should be uploaded to the credentials tab on your British Rowing membership account and submitted to as evidence. British Rowing may verify your attendance by contacting the training provider.

Coaches must also ensure that they hold a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) certificate which is suitable for the environment in which they are coaching. For further support regarding a DBS clearance or other information please contact

In line with British Rowing guidance the nominated welfare/safeguarding officer at a school or any other affiliated club cannot also be a coach.

Volunteer welfare or safeguarding officers in all other rowing clubs

British Rowing endorses the sport specific training delivered by UK Coaching. This Safeguarding and Protecting Children training is accessible in different locations throughout the year. Find your nearest workshop here.

Online courses are not acceptable unless an individual has completed a face to face safeguarding training in the last three years.

British Rowing also endorses sport specific safeguarding courses run by local authorities. Club Welfare Officers (CWOs) will need to visit their local authority website to find the courses that are on offer in their area.

The ‘Time to Listen’ course is an additional workshop, available to CWOs once they have attended safeguarding training.  British Rowing no longer delivers these workshops so CWOs should contact their Active Partnership (formerly County Sports Partnership) if they would like to attend a workshop and experience some valuable networking with other sports in their area.