STAGING Home International Regatta 2020 cancelled - British Rowing

Home International Regatta 2020 cancelled

It is with great regret that the General Management Committee (GMC) of the Home International Regatta has decided that HIR 2020 will be cancelled due to public health concerns linked to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.


It is with great regret that the General Management Committee (GMC) of the Home International Regatta has decided that HIR 2020 (due to take place on 25 July at Strathclyde Park) will be cancelled due to public health concerns linked to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

The next Home International Regatta will take place on 24th July 2021 and will be hosted by Wales.


Uppermost in our minds has been the health and safety of all those who come together to make the regatta happen, the athletes, coaches, organisers, officials and spectators as well as our broader responsibility to society’s efforts to tackle this global challenge to our way of life. Although the GMC considered postponing the event until the autumn, this threw up many insurmountable challenges and coupled with the current uncertainty of time scales going forward, meant that this was not an option.

The GMC would like to empathise with the inevitable disappointment of our many supporters, but assure you that we are already planning for HIR 2021 and look forward to launching our new exciting racing format as planned.