STAGING British Rowing clarifies the effect of new Government Guidance - British Rowing

British Rowing clarifies the effect of new Government Guidance

Organised sport, including rowing, is exempt from the new limitations on group sizes, however, clubs should remain vigilant and consider how the new rules may affect other parts of their activities.


British Rowing has clarified that new legal limitations on group sizes in England will not affect organised sporting activity and as such no changes will be made to the Return to Rowing guidance in relation to either competition or club activity. This is because a club/competition following our guidance will have appropriate COVID-Secure precautions in place. As stated in our guidance, group sizes and mixing between different groups should be kept to a minimum.

Clubs should remember that whilst an exemption is in place for organised sporting activities, the new rules do apply to the social activities of clubs. For example, no groups larger than six should be meeting within the club’s social facilities.


The British Rowing COVID-19 Situational Review Group met on Monday 14 September to assess the latest information available and it was agreed that our Return to Rowing plan will continue as originally timetabled. As such the move to larger private matches in Phase G, scheduled for Monday 14 September will come into effect as planned. It should be noted that should it be required British Rowing may decide to halt or reverse the guidance at any time, subject to updates from the UK Government.

(Originally published 10 September, updated 14 September)