STAGING Watch back the 2020 British Rowing AGM - British Rowing

Watch back the 2020 British Rowing AGM

Watch back the 2020 British Rowing AGM, including confirmation of the re-election of the Deputy Chair, Chair of the Sport Committee and Deputy Chair of the Sport Committee

The British Rowing AGM took place on 28 September. The recording of the meeting is available above and full minutes will be published once approved by the Board in November.

The meeting, which took place online for the first time, saw the confirmation of the re-election of Kate O’Sullivan, Nick Hubble and Barbara Wilson in their respective positions of Deputy Chair of the Board, Chair of the Sport Committee and Deputy Chair of the Sport Committee. By virtue of their positions, Kate O’Sullivan and Nick Hubble will continue as Directors of British Rowing Limited.


An important change to the Articles of Association was made to allow future meetings to be held online. Whilst this year’s meeting was able to take place online due to the emergency legislation put in place by HM Government due to the coronavirus pandemic, these changes will mean the AGM can be delivered in a similar way in the future. This will make it easier for future meetings to be accessible to the rowing community across the country.

The AGM also received the accounts for 2019-20, and approved both the minutes from the 2019 AGM and the reappointment of haysmacintre as the auditors for next year.

As attendance at the AGM was limited to just voting members, a further meeting is planned, later this year, to allow clubs, competitions and individual members to ask questions of the Board. Further details to follow.