STAGING Managing COVID-19 version 11 released - British Rowing

Managing COVID-19 version 11 released

British Rowing CEO, Andy Parkinson, introduces the latest version of our Managing COVID-19 guidance incorporating our recent statements on the Government’s COVID-19 roadmap out of lockdown


As we approach the anniversary of rowing clubs closing their doors for the first lockdown, thanks to the incredible efforts of key workers and scientists across the globe, we are now able to start to contemplate getting rowing back up and running.

Download the latest guidance

Please note: each update from the last version is highlighted in yellow and there is a full list of changes at the end of the document

Whilst the Government has released a roadmap, the detail behind each step is not yet available and as such some aspects of how our sport will reopen are not yet clear. In this latest version of the guidance (version 11), we have updated the document to reflect the information available to date. Whilst this doesn’t give the complete picture (particularly for the latter stages of the roadmap), we hope it will help clubs and volunteers start to plan what the next few months will look like. Please bear with us as we work with our partners to get as much clarity as we can on the outstanding questions. We will continue to update this document as this clarification is received.

Last year, the rowing community demonstrated incredible responsibility as we reopened from the first lockdown and I’m sure that this will be the case again. I’m sure there will be the odd delay or restriction that is awkward for our community, an individual club or even a member, however, if we continue to act responsibly it helps bring the goal of returning our sport closer.


We know there’s a lot to take in and consider within this document and if you are a volunteer out there in the community, please don’t feel you are on your own dealing with this. Our team remains on hand to offer advice and support to help you get your club or competition back up and running. Whilst our office is closed, you can still speak to staff member by requesting a callback. Equally, if you are a club member, please be kind to those helping your club and bear in mind just how much information there is to take on board.

Whilst competition isn’t the be all and end all of our sport, competition often sets the rhythm of a rowing club’s calendar and so we are very conscious of ensuring there is a coherent plan for a return to this. It is clear that this will not be a normal racing season and so we are working with competition organisers to make adjustments to our competition calendar to provide the best possible experience for rowers at all levels. At this stage, we are waiting for further details of the restrictions but we are hopeful of being able to reintroduce some competition between clubs at either Step 2 or Step 3. The first competitions are likely to be smaller, local competitions but we are confident of larger competitions being possible later in the year. We will continue to work with everyone involved and will send out further details as soon as we are able.

Before I sign off, I wanted to thank the many of you who have continued to support British Rowing by renewing your membership during this difficult time. The money that comes from membership is critical to our ability to support the grassroots of rowing including producing and publishing guidance such as this which allows you and your club to get back on the water.

Stay safe!

Andy Parkinson
Chief Executive Officer | British Rowing