STAGING Are you ready for The Big Row launch? - British Rowing

Are you ready for The Big Row launch?

The Big Row is coming, raising funds to help deliver inclusive rowing programmes – sign up to join us for the launch on Wednesday 19 May and find out more


The Big Row has now opened for registrations – sign up to help us raise funds to widen access to rowing.

Join The Big Row Today


The Big Row is coming and we’re calling on all rowers – young or old, indoor or on-water, veteran or newbie – to come together to help us row as many meters as possible whilst raising funds for a fantastic cause. The Big Row will take place on the week of 28 June to 4 July and anyone can take part at your club, at home, in your school or in your gym.

The Big Row is the new annual fundraiser from Love Rowing (the British Rowing Charitable Foundation) raising funds to help share the fantastic benefits of rowing with more people right around the country. Even better, if your rowing club signs up, 50% of what you fundraise (including Gift Aid) will be ring fenced in the form of a grant to create an Inclusive Club Fund at your club.

Getting involved is really simple – registrations will open on 19 May and we’ll be hosting a webinar that evening at 7:30pm where you can hear from several ‘Big Row’ experts:

  • Cath Bishop, Chair of Love Rowing and Olympic silver medallist
  • Rio Olympic silver medalist Jess Eddie
  • Charity Fundraiser and Founder of the EnduRow Challenge, Steven Dowd
  • Guinness World Record Breaking Thames rower and Paralympic Gold medalist Naomi Riches
  • Love Rowing Foundation Manager, Bernie Hollywood who is taking on the Talisker Atlantic Challenge next year

Sign up for the webinar

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Want to get ahead of the crowd and get your exclusive The Big Row stash order in early? Check out our hoodies and tees that can be customised with your club name at