STAGING Irwin Mitchell legal support extended to affiliated competitions - British Rowing

Irwin Mitchell legal support extended to affiliated competitions

Following the launch of the new legal and tax helpline and portal, we are delighted to extend access to this support to Affiliated Competitions


Recently we launched a complimentary new tax and legal helpline service for our affiliated clubs from our Official Legal Partner, Irwin Mitchell. Following the launch, a number of Affiliated Competitions approached us to say it would be a useful service for them as well and we’re delighted to say that we have been able to extend the offer to all British Rowing Affiliated Competitions too.

British Rowing Director of Partnerships and Communications Kenny Baillie commented: “I’m really pleased we’ve been able to extend this service to our Affiliated Competitions who play such a key role in rowing. We hope that being able to pick up the phone to Irwin Mitchell will help simply answer some of the legal questions that can arise around running an event and make life easier for the volunteers organising them.”


The service enables all affiliated clubs and competitions to obtain free 24/7 advice over the phone on any legal or tax-related matter, and also gives them access to an online portal of documents including standard agreements and template legal documents.

Clubs or competitions seeking legal or tax advice can call the free British Rowing Legal and Tax Helpline on 0333 010 0345.