STAGING World Rowing offers FREE Anti-Doping webinars - British Rowing

World Rowing offers FREE Anti-Doping webinars

This series of 5 weekly webinars, covering the compulsory topics as set out in the WADA code, starts on Wednesday, 5 April 2023


The use of doping substances or doping methods to enhance performance is fundamentally wrong and is detrimental to the overall spirit of sport. Drug misuse can be harmful to an athlete’s health and to other athletes competing in the sport. It severely damages the integrity, image and value of sport, whether or not the motivation to use drugs is to improve performance.

To achieve integrity and fairness in sport, a commitment to a clean field of play is critical. World Rowing seeks to maintain the integrity of sport in by running a comprehensive anti-doping programme that focuses equally on education/prevention and on testing, with consequent sanctioning of those who break the rules.

World Rowing webinar series

The webinar series is prepared and delivered by ITA (International Testing Agency) and it is one of the educational activities of the World Rowing Education Plan developed in cooperation with ITA.

These webinars are designed for both athletes and athlete support personnel (coaches, trainers, managers, agents, agents, team staff, officials, medical/paramedical personnel, parents, or any other person working with, treating, or assisting an athlete) to raise awareness around the topics and issues related to clean sport.

Each hour-long webinar starts at 14.00 CET (13.00 BST), so is convenient for your lunch hour!

Anyone who attends all five sessions will receive a Certificate of Participation.

Find out more and register

British Rowing’s Clean Sport Strategy and Education Plan

Find out more about our Clean Sport Strategy and Clean Sport Education Plan here.

All British Rowing members can also access our free iRowClean online training modules.