STAGING British Rowing launches pilot scheme for racing day tickets - British Rowing

British Rowing launches pilot scheme for racing day tickets

The scheme is aimed at British Rowing Community, Row, Coach and Umpire members who want to race occasionally


Racing in the middle of York (c) Richard Sharpe/SI Events Photography

As part of ongoing developments with membership, we’ve launched a pilot day ticket scheme, giving our members the opportunity to enter certain competitions by buying a day ticket rather than needing a full Race membership.

Day tickets allow rowers to give racing a try without committing to the full cost of Race membership. They’re also a way of racing more cheaply for others who only want to compete once or twice a year, for whatever reason. We hope that competitions will benefit from increased entries as a result, and that members of our community including Learn to Row graduates, university alumni and those who only plan to race once or twice a year will benefit from this scheme.


What does day ticket pilot scheme means for competitions and members?

This pilot scheme has been set up specifically so it does not impact the way that current competitions will operate.  Once a competitor has purchased a day ticket for the specific day of a competition, they can be entered by club Entries Administrators in the normal way.

Some members of our community may remember a different paper-based day ticket scheme, which was discontinued when the entry process was initially brought online. BROE2 and the British Rowing Membership system are now able to include day tickets for this pilot scheme.

Day Tickets will be only available for a selected number of competitions during this pilot phase. A full list of competitions participating in the day ticket pilot can be found here and answers to some FAQs about day tickets are provided here.

Day tickets include public liability insurance for members for the day of the race. Please note that day tickets do not include personal accident cover, which Race members benefit from. You can read more about insurance here.

Do I need to have a membership to purchase a day ticket?

Members will need to hold Community, Row, Coach or Umpire membership to buy day tickets. Prices for memberships begin with Community at £20/year.

Race members don’t need to buy day tickets, as unlimited race licences are already included in their membership.

Please note that Community membership does not offer any insurance and those holding Coach or Umpire membership are recommended to check that their insurance suits their requirements for training for races.

How much will day tickets cost?

Day tickets cost £8 per day and are available to purchase in the British Rowing Membership system now.

Your ticket will then be available as a digital membership card to download to your phone.

We hope you look forward to the day ticket pilot, please do get in touch with us via if you have any questions.