STAGING Funding Sources - British Rowing

Funding Sources

Information about grant-awarding bodies to which rowing clubs can apply for funding, and how to make successful application

If you are considering applying for support from a funding agency, the following may be able to help you.

All of these will be able to advise you on the latest developments and criteria used by the various agencies. You will then be able to select the most appropriate schemes to apply to.

Talk to us about your plan

It’s really important that you make British Rowing staff aware (by contacting the Facilities Service) of any grants you are applying for, as the National Governing Body nearly always has to endorse applications. The more we know, the more we can help.

Grant-finder websites

You should also look for web based grant finders to make sure you haven’t missed a good, appropriate ‘pot’ of money, and don’t forget to look for local charities who have funding for specific purposes. For a good example of how successful this can be, have a look at this video:

There are all sorts of charities that are bound to fund quite specific projects or groups. See if there are any that match what your club offers your community: you may be surprised at how much funding is available once you start looking carefully!

How to make successful funding applications

Before you start to make a grant application, make sure you’re really clear what you need need or what purpose of your application is. For example, “We need equipment” is not much of an answer. Exactly what equipment? And why?  You need to provide a list. The most important part of your application is being clear about what you can deliver for your funder. Each funder and funding pot will have an objective, nearly always in terms of increasing participation. You will need to be very clear and robust in providing information about your current base and how the funds you are asking for can expand your club’s activities and increase and diversify your participation from within your local community. See our quick checklist below.

There are many sources of funding for large scale projects but important funders of sport at a local level are still rowing club members, friends and the local community. Social events, raffles and local companies looking for sponsorship should be a club’s first stop when searching for funds.

Funding Checklist
  • What does your club want?
  • Why does your club want it?
  • When does your club want it?
  • How is your club going to get it?

These basic questions will point your club towards getting full and detailed answers to questions asked by prospective donors, questions such as:

  • Why do you need x boat?
  • Who will it be used by?
  • What benefits are there for the club?
  • What benefits for the donor?

When looking to gain sponsorship it is more successful to target donors that will have their interests met by the results of the project. A useful reference book to help clubs with their funding issues is The Sports Funding Guide by Nicola Eastwood.

List of funding sources

FundFunding up toType
Active Partnerships Network
The 43 Active Partnerships across England who use the power of sport and physical activity to transform lives.
VariousLocal funding advice
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National Lottery Good Causes
Search through Lottery grants to find the most appropriate one for your club.
VariousSearch for relevant Lottery funding
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My Funding Central
Funding search tool for charities and VCSEs.
VariousWeb based grant search (fee applies)
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Rowing Foundation
The Rowing Foundation is a registered charity. Its purpose is to promote the participation in rowing of young people (those under 18 or still in full time education) and people of all ages with disabilities.
£500 – £4,000Water rowing
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Small Grants
The Sport England Small Grants Programme uses National Lottery funding to This fund seeks to develop opportunities for communities to get more people physically active.
£300 – £15,000Grow participation
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Awards For All England
Awards for All England is part of the National Lottery Community Fund for projects that improve communities, and the lives of people within them.
£300 – £10,000Community organisations and groups
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Other National Lottery Community Funds
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Sport England Crowdfunder Funds
Sport England’s Active Together and Places and Spaces Funds provide match funding for crowdfunded initatives.
Up to £10,000 match fundingCovid-recovery and facilities improvement
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Allianz Sports Fund
Awards are to help sports clubs continue to provide opportunities within their local community.
£3,000British Rowing affiliated clubs nominated by a broker partner of Allianz Insurance plc
Find out more
Grants to purchase defibrillator equipment to be based at clubs.
Defibrilator grantRowing clubs
Find out more
Grantsnet is a search engine for grants available to UK organisations. It is for charities and voluntary organisations, public service organisations, businesses and funders. Currently awaiting relaunch.
VariousWeb based grant search
Active Partnerships Network
The 43 Active Partnerships across England who use the power of sport and physical activity to transform lives.
Funding up to:
Local funding advice
Find out more
National Lottery Good Causes
Search through Lottery grants to find the most appropriate one for your club.
Funding up to:
Search for relevant Lottery funding
Find out more
My Funding Central
Funding search tool for charities and VCSEs.
Funding up to:
Web based grant search (fee applies)
Find out more
Rowing Foundation
The Rowing Foundation is a registered charity. Its purpose is to promote the participation in rowing of young people (those under 18 or still in full time education) and people of all ages with disabilities.
Funding up to:
£500 – £4,000
Water rowing
Find out more
Small Grants
The Sport England Small Grants Programme uses National Lottery funding to This fund seeks to develop opportunities for communities to get more people physically active.
Funding up to:
£300 – £15,000
Grow participation
Find out more
Awards For All England
Awards for All England is part of the National Lottery Community Fund for projects that improve communities, and the lives of people within them.
Funding up to:
£300 – £10,000
Community organisations and groups
Find out more
Other National Lottery Community Funds
Funding up to:
Find out more
Sport England Crowdfunder Funds
Sport England’s Active Together and Places and Spaces Funds provide match funding for crowdfunded initatives.
Funding up to:
Up to £10,000 match funding
Covid-recovery and facilities improvement
Find out more
Allianz Sports Fund
Awards are to help sports clubs continue to provide opportunities within their local community.
Funding up to:
British Rowing affiliated clubs nominated by a broker partner of Allianz Insurance plc
Find out more
Grants to purchase defibrillator equipment to be based at clubs.
Funding up to:
Defibrilator grant
Rowing clubs
Find out more
Grantsnet is a search engine for grants available to UK organisations. It is for charities and voluntary organisations, public service organisations, businesses and funders. Currently awaiting relaunch.
Funding up to:
Web based grant search

More in this section

Fundraising and sponsorship

If you are applying for funding or sponsorship, companies or funding agencies will want to know about you and why they should support you

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