STAGING Online Learning - British Rowing

Online Learning

To encourage you to learn on demand, when and where you want, we have a range of resources and online courses available.


Most of these resources are available free of charge on our website, or if hosted on RowHow then they are free for British Rowing members or RowHow subscribers.

Online Learning Resources

Staying Safe

It’s important to be able to keep yourself and others safe when you are rowing, training and even just around your club or at a regatta.


The cox is responsible for the crew on the water, keeping a good lookout, steering the boat and issuing commands to the crew.

Leading a Rowing Tour

Touring rowing is a great alternative for getting out on the water, particularly if you enjoy rowing longer distances and seeing some beautiful scenery

Rowing Technique

Learn the most effective technique for moving your boat or indoor rowing machine's flywheel

Training Advice

Just starting out? Here's some training advice to consider.


To help you get the most out of rowing, here's a run down on some the equipment you may be using

Junior Rower Development

Stay safe and have fun in rowing


Webinars covering a wide range of topics for various sections of the rowing community

More in this section


The cox is responsible for the crew on the water, keeping a good lookout, steering the boat and issuing commands to the crew.

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Leading a Rowing Tour

Touring rowing is a great alternative for getting out on the water, particularly if you enjoy rowing longer distances and seeing some beautiful scenery

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Staying Safe

It’s important to be able to keep yourself and others safe when you are rowing, training and even just around your club or at a regatta.

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The Coaching Stream

Personal development for rowing coaches


The Coaching Stream links you to all the resources you need as a coach to build your learning, your way.

Find out more