STAGING Health and Fitness - British Rowing

Health and Fitness

Rowing both on and off the water is a great way to develop your fitness or to stay physically active.


Regular exercise, fun and companionship all contribute to your general well-being and good health.

Antonia van Deventer, former GB lightweight rower says:

“If I had one message for anyone who wants to make a change to his or her life it would be this: Rome wasn’t built in a day. Every day you can do something to help you achieve your goals, and it will be the small steps that make the largest difference. Start slowly and go for it!”

“Rome wasn’t built in a day. Every day you can do something to help you achieve your goals…”

If you are taking up rowing it is important to tell your club or coach about any relevant health problems – you will find that the club can often make provisions to allow you to take part safely. Giving incorrect information could put you and others in danger – ask if you have any queries.

Further guidance on health-related issues

Rowing and Backs

Guidance from the British Rowing Medical Panel on the Avoidance of Back Pain.

Rowing and Epilepsy

Guidance from the British Rowing Medical Panel on Rowing and Epilepsy.

Rowing and Pregnancy

Guidance from the British Rowing Medical Panel on rowing and pregnancy.

Rowing and Water-borne Disease

Guidance from the British Rowing Medical Panel on rowing and water-borne disease.

Also have a look at our Rowing and Health publication.

More in this section

Rowing and Backs

Guidance from the British Rowing Medical Panel on the Avoidance of Back Pain.

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Rowing and Epilepsy

Guidance from the British Rowing Medical Panel on Rowing and Epilepsy.

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Rowing and Pregnancy

Guidance from the British Rowing Medical Panel on rowing and pregnancy.

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