STAGING Adaptive rowing classification opportunities in the North West - British Rowing

Adaptive rowing classification opportunities in the North West

Places are fast running out for British Rowing’s adaptive rowing classification opportunities in the North West.

The courses allow rowers with a disability or physical impairment to establish their racing classification.


The classification opportunity is scheduled for March 10th at Crosby, Liverpool.

10th March 2012: Crosby Lakeside Adventure Centre, Crosby Coastal Park, L22 1RR.

Participating rowers will be assessed by a team of accredited medical and technical classifiers, before being issued with a British Rowing racing licence in one of the following categories:

  • LTA – legs, trunk and arms
  • TA – trunk and arms
  • AS – arms and shoulders

Once an adaptive classification status and British Rowing licence has been awarded, attending rowers will be able to race in Adaptive and non-Adaptive categories at British Rowing events.

Any rowers interested in attending the classification opportunity should contact Maddie Millichap on or 07818576148.

To find out more about adaptive rowing classification, download the guide.