STAGING Olympics Day 3 - Live Updates - British Rowing

Olympics Day 3 – Live Updates

Welcome to the ARA’s live coverage of the Olympic rowing. We’ll be updating this minute by minute as the action happens so keep coming back to get the latest updates. Let us know what you think of the action by emailing

Minute by Minute Updates


Well that’s it for today’s coverage – come back tomorrow for more live commentary from Beijing.


In the meantime don’t forget to send your comments to us at and also enter our competition to win a Panasonic Camcorder.


Czech Republic win in 5:58.69 about half a length up, France hold onto second place from Belarus who are desperately holding off a gutsy push from China.


China desperately trying to make an impression in this third 500m but not making much progress.  The Czechs are a length ahead of France with Belarus in third.


Czech Republic now has a 3/4 length lead.  France in second, China just abut holding onto the coat tials of Belarus who are coming on strong.


Czech cross about half a length ahead of France.  Belarus are currently in third with the home crew of China at the back.


Repechage of the men’s four now – top three go through to the semi-final.  Last race of the day – France look like they’ve got Prince William at three!

Lane Country
1 [chn]
2 [fra]
3 [cze]
4 [blr]

Great final 500m, Bulgaria pushing through the USA.  Belgium hanging onto second place in the end with Bulgaria thrid.  USA miss out on the final semi-final spot.  Russia won in 6:23.52.

Really close at the end there!


Russia looking comfortable at the front with Belgium being pushed hard now by the USA.  Bulgaria pushing for the third slot too now.


Russia still ahead of Belgium with the USA in third, Bulgaria have come through into fourth ahead of Iraq.


Russia ahead of Belgium, who lead USA.  Iraq in fourth place with Bulgaria at the back of the field.


Repechage of the men’s double now.  GB’s Rowbotham and Wells are already through to the semi-final but who will join them?

Lane Country
1 [usa]
2 [rus]
3 [bel]
4 [bul]
5 [irq]

USA finish (6:58.75) with Czech Republic taking the second qualifying spot about a length ahead of Australia.  Ukraine finish fourth.


USA well clear at the front but the Czech Republic have pushed ahead of Australia by 3/4 length.  Ukraine a bit further back.


USA have increased their lead coming into the 1000m but it’s close for second  – Australia have it at the moment just ahead of the Czech Republic.


Ukraine get a good start but it’s USA who come through just ahead.  Australia sit in third ahead of the Czech Republic.


Now onto the second repechage of the women’s double scull.

Lane Country
1 [aus]
2 [cze]
3 [usa]
4 [ukr]



Great finish by Great Britain pushing Germany really really hard and just taking first place (6:54.92) half a length ahead.  Romania finish third and fourth was Italy.


Germany just about a length ahead of GB still.  Romania have taken Italy but Great Britain have a bit of lead over them.


Across 1000m and Germany are a length ahead of Great Britain who are a length ahead of Italy.  Romania still bringing up the rear, a further length behind.


Good start from Great Britain and Germany and as we pass through it’s Germany leading GB, leading Italy with Romania at the back.


Women’s double time and we’ve got GB up in the first repechage.  First two through to the final.

Lane Country
1 [rou]
2 [ger]
3 [gbr]
4 [ita]

USA win in 6:36.81, Croatia second and Denmark third.

Unfortunately after a brave final push, GB finish fourth and miss out on a slot in the semi-final.


Tight at the front with Denmark in first, Croatia second and USA third.  GB sat in fourth, they need a big push here to get that third place slot.


Croatia looking strong through the second 500m but Denmark are now in second with USA in third and Poland and unfortunately Great Britain are in fifth place at half way.


Denmark fly out of the blocks but Croatia starting to make good progress.  As we actually come through 500m it’s Croatia ahead of Denmark but GB are in the final qualifying spot.

All very tight at the front.


Team GB up again in the repechage of the men’s pair.  Top three will progress to the semi-final.

Lane Country
1 [usa]
2 [cro]
3 [gbr]
4 [pol]
5 [den]

Sweden have really pushed on against New Zealand in the final 500m but Drysdale just manages to hang on (6:50.18).  USA row through Netherlands and finishes third.

Sweden really did well to challenge the world champion there.


Drysdale has now pushed up into the lead (about half length ahead) with Sweden in second and Netherlands in third.  USA about a length behind of third.


Netherlands still lead, with Drysdale in second and Sweden and USA still just outside the quarter-final spots in fourth.


Drysdale come through in third but looking very relaxed.  Netherlands leading with Sweden in second.  USA come through in fourth.


Onto the final quarter-final of the men’s single sculls and we’ve got the world champion, Mahe Drysdale, in lane 3.


Through the line and the Czech Republic wins (6:50.04), with Belgium in second.  Estonia came out of nowhere to push the Australian a little bit  in the last 500m but Australia holds third.

Chinese Taipei came fifth with Hong Kong last.


Really spread out field now with Czech Republic two lengths up on Belgium who is three lengths up on Australia.  Estonia now in fourth place.


Czech Republic and Belgium trying out a new sport "synchronized rowing".  They’re leading the field (Belgium just ahead) with Australia sat in third.

Hong Kong dropped out of the picture.


As we come through 500m we have Czech Republic just ahead of Belgium and Hong Kong.  Australia currently sat in fourth.



Here we go with quarter-final 4.

Lane Country
1 [tpe]
2 [aus]
3 [cze]
4 [bel]
5 [hkg]
6 [est]

Lithuania really put a push in here in the last 500m but Tufte reluctantly responds and wins in 6:53.51.  Lithuania finish second with Greece taking the last qualifying spot.

Mexico in fourth, Brazil in fifth and Uruguay in sixth.


Tufte of Norway has length over Greece who are tight with Lithuania as we pass through 1500m.


Norway are half length up on Greece with Lithuania a further half length back.  Brazil sit in fourth and the plucky Uruguayian has dropped down to fifth.


Uruguay goes flying out in the first 500m – it seems all the South Americans are having a fast first 500m but then dropping off – can he hold it for the rest of the race?

Norway (the defending Olympic champion) in second with Brazil taking the third semi-final spot at the moment. 


Right onto quarter-final 2 now.

Lane Country
1 [gre]
2 [bra]
3 [nor]
4 [ltu]
5 [mex]
6 [uru]

Hacker wins this in 6:48.79 about two lengths ahead of Campbell who finishes 3/4 lengths ahead of Switzerland (coached by Switzerland).  Chile finish in fourth with Egypt in fifth.


Hacker has the lead at 1500, about a length and a bit ahead of Switzerland.  Switzerland has half a length on Switzerland.

Campbell has checked the push from Switzerland and starts to gain on him.


Switzerland put in a push just after 500m and take the lead from GB.  Hacker also pushing hard and Campbell has dropped into third.  Switzerland now have a length on Campbell.

Chile in fourth but a little way back from GB.


Hacker was quick off the blocks for Germany but Alan Campbell has pegged him back and comes through 500m leading by 0.73 seconds ahead of Switzerland, with Germany in third.  Chile come through in fourth.


The log sawing, sandbag carrying Alan Campbell is up now.  He goes in lane 4. Real test for Campbell’s fitness racing alongside Hacker.

Lane Country
1 [mon]
2 [chi]
3 [sui]
4 [gbr]
5 [ger]
6 [egy]

Belarus wins in 7:25.72 a length and a half over Sweden with New Zealand take the final semi-final spot.


Belarus have this one under control but now Sweden are just ahead of New Zealand.  South Africa still in fourth but a little bit of third now.


Belarus still ahead, very tight for second though – New Zealand just pipping Sweden.  South Africa about a length down on third place.


Belarus up in first as we go through 500m.  Very tight for the top four with Sweden and New Zealand take up second and third.  South Africa currently in fourth.


The final quarter-final of the women’s single sculls.

Lane Country
1 [hkg]
2 [rsa]
3 [nzl]
4 [blr]
5 [swe]
6 [arg]

Bulgaria win (7:22.32) but the Chinese crowd really gave their sculler a list in the last 500m.  Bulgaria only wins by half a length in the end.  Australia finish third and take the last semi-final spot.


Bulgaria now in the lead with China about a length down.  Both these boats are well ahead of the rest of the field.

Australia in third but several lengths down on the leaders.



As they get to 1000m, Bulgaria and China really close.  China just nicks it just 0.19 seconds between them. Australia in third with Chile in fourth.


China crosses ahead of Bulgaria with Australia in third.



So onto quarter-final 3

Lane Country
1 [bra]
2 [aus]
3 [bul]
4 [chn]
5 [kor]
6 [chi]

Czech Republic wins by about 3 lengths in 7:30.40, France take second with Serbia in third.  Those three will go to the semi-final.

The others boats are some way back, devastating row by the Czech there.


Serbia really pushing on now against the French sculler for second place.  Cuba dropped right out of it now.

Oh, and the Czech Republic has about 2 lengths.


Czech Republic still ahead now about a length up on France with the Serbian sculler now in third having recovered from here poor start now pushing France.  Cuba now about a length down on Serbia.


Czech Republic lead from France with Cuba currently holding the third spot ahead of Serbia who had a bit of a slow start.


So onto quarter-final 2 and we’ve got some slightly unusual countries in this one.

Lane Country
1 [esa]
2 [cub]
3 [cze]
4 [srb]
5 [fra]
6 [mya]

USA win this one comfortable with clear water (7:28.95), Poland come in second and Italy take the final semi-final spot.

The last three crews a little bit further back with Spain in fourth.


USA looking good at the front with Poland in second and Italy in third.  Spain still in fourth so just missing out on the semi-finals at this point.


At the halfway mark its USA in the lead about a length ahead of Poland with Italy now down in third.  Spain are in fourth.   Zimbabwe and Kazakhstan trailing a bit now.


USA come through the first 500m ahead of Italy.  Poland in third and the only Spanish entry in the regatta currently in fourth.

Zimbabwe had a good start but seems to be dropping off a bit now.


Quarter-Final 1 of the women’s singles.

Lane Country
1 [zim]
2 [usa]
3 [ita]
4 [pol]
5 [esp]
6 [kaz]

What a race from Great Britain, they win in 5:25.86 a length ahead of USA.  Great Britain will go straight to the final.

China finish third and Germany fourth.

Well done guys!


Coming through 1500 and [gbr] are just over a length ahead!  USA the defending Olympic champions down in second with China in third.



Great Britain put in a good push there and are ahead coming through 1000m with half a length lead.  USA in second with China in third.  Germany are sat in fourth.


USA and China slightly ahead as we come through the first 500.  Great Britain in third but they’re all really close.


[gbr] go in this race in lane 2, they’ll want to win this heat and will have to, to progress straight to the final.

Lane Country
1 [usa]
2 [gbr]
3 [chn]
4 [ger]

Canada (5:27.65) win looking very comfortable there. Poland take second place and Netherlands a length behind them.

Australia as we said previously pulled out because of some steering problem.


Canada comfortably ahead, Netherlands have pushed through Poland too.


Australia are out after a fairly major steering problem.


Very tight come through the first 500m but Canada start to push ahead slightly.  Australia come through in second, with Poland in third.


First heat of the men’s eight.

Lane Country
1 [pol]
2 [aus]
3 [can]
4 [ned]

Romania looking pretty classy there and win (6:05.88) going straight to the final.  Netherlands take second 1/2 length down on Romania.  Australia come third by a canvas ahead of Canada.


Romania come through 3/4 of a length ahead of the other two crews who are very close.


Romania still in the lead with Australia pushing Netherlands a bit harder now.


So through  the first 500m and as expected Romania come through in first with Netherlands up with them.  Australia about a length down on the leaders.


So heat 2 coming up of the women’s eights.

Lane Country
1 [ned]
2 [rou]
3 [aus]

Good race from GB and manage to get overlap and push USA in the last 500.  Great to see them making USA work.

USA win in 6:06.56, GB come second and Canada third.  Germany come through last.

So that’s USA through to the final and GB and Canada will go to the repechage tomorrow.


USA still about a length ahead of GB but GB have a length on Germany who are being pushed by Canada.


Coming through 1000m, GB about 6ft ahead of Germany.


Kicking off this morning with the heats of the W8+ we’ve already started and it’s USA leading as we come through 500m.  With GBR and Germany close.