STAGING GB Rowing Team joins forces with Yakult - British Rowing

GB Rowing Team joins forces with Yakult

Keeping athletes healthy is vital if a team is to be  successful and the Siemens sponsored GB Rowing Team  has recently joined forces with Yakult to provide its rowers  with a daily dose of the unique probiotic strain of bacteria  that has been scientifically proven to help maintain the good bacteria in the digestive system.

Yakult’s natural home is in the digestive system – along with  the 100 trillion bacteria (the ‘gut flora’) already residing there.   The digestive system is the location for most of the body’s immune  system and so it’s important that a healthy balance of bacteria is  maintained there. Yakult helps to top up and support the work of beneficial bacteria in the gut.


David Tanner CBE, the GB Rowing Team’s International Manager  said: “Our rowers train six or seven days a week for 11 months of  the year and it is very important that they remain fit and healthy.   We are grateful to Yakult for their support through the provision  of a regular supply of Yakult to our training base in Caversham.”

Dr Linda Thomas, science director at Yakult UK commented:  “We are delighted to support the GB Rowing Team. The health  benefit of Yakult for high-performance athletes is currently one  of our many research areas. A major study with Yakult was recently  conducted by Professor Mike Gleeson at Loughborough University;  the results, which were very positive, were published in a scientific  journal at the beginning of this year. We look forward to supporting the GB Rowing Team over the next year and wish them the best of  luck in their future competitions.”

More information about Yakult is available at