STAGING GB Rowing tops the medal table - British Rowing

GB Rowing tops the medal table

Thank you Eton Dorney – you’ve been one of the Olympic Games outstanding venues!  

In the shadow of Windsor Castle London 2012’s volunteers have extended the warmest of welcomes to the fifty eight nations who have entered crews for the Olympic Regatta and the 30,000 strong crowd that has provided the amazing ‘wall of sound’ lifting all the rowers as they hit the 750 metre marker.  


Today’s hatrick of gold and silver medals brought GB’s medal tally to nine, keeping them top of the rowing medal table.  The individual triumphs of Team GB have given an incredible boost to the sport and the impact of the hoped for legacy is already evident.

More than 3000 people have visited the Get Involved tent manned by a team of British Rowing coaches.  Team Leader Sarah Ockendon said; “It’s been incredibly hard work but we’ve had a lot of fun and from all the comments we’ve received I think we’ve really helped to inspire people to go away and find out more about the sport.”

Kate Burt, British Rowing’s CEO said; “It has been an amazing eight days for British Rowing. All 47 of the GB Rowing Team qualified for their Olympic finals, winning nine medals and again being crowned as the top rowing nation. A great legacy from the London Games will be to inspire many more people – no matter age or ability – to Explore Rowing.”

Di Ellis, Chairman of British Rowing, said “I have waited 36 years for a women’s Olympic Gold medal.  To achieve three is absolutely amazing and I feel incredibly proud of them all.  Our Games Makers have been wonderful – we have staged a Games second to none.”

So what now?

If you weren’t lucky enough to have a ticket for the Olympic Regatta don’t forget that rowing will be back at Eton Dorney on 31st August – 2nd September for the Paralympic Regatta.  Team GB’s Adaptive rowers have strong medal hopes there too.

The Diamond Jubilee Rowing Championships on 20th and 21st October,, are also at Dorney.  Open to everyone and British Rowing hopes to see you there.

Most importantly remember that whatever your age and ability, rowing is a wonderful way to have fun, make friends, keep fit. Find out how