STAGING Competition Organisers' Documents - British Rowing

Competition Organisers’ Documents

Some of these documents require action, others are for guidance

Information about British Rowing affiliated competitions in the Competition Calendar is updated annually and listed in the British Rowing Almanack.

Six weeks before an affiliated competition, British Rowing will send an email to the Competition Secretary with fee and insurance information. In the email there is also a link to this page and the information below.

Essential Documentation


Your event Safety Adviser is responsible for and should prepare and supply the following documentation to the Regional Rowing Safety in the region in which the competition is to take place a minimum of four weeks before the proposed competition date:

  • Safety Plan
  • Welfare Plan
  • Risk Assessment.

Visit our Safety page for a risk assessment template and example.

Injury Reports

The Medical Advisory Panel collates all the medical information from competitions so that they can check for trends, learning points, etc.  Competitions are advised to report a safety incident or concern, whether or not damage, injury, or a health issue has occurred via British Rowing’s online reporting system.

Recording your results on BROE2

Competitions receive a 76% discount for use of BROE2 if the results are finalised online within five days of the Competition, as required by the Rules of Racing. Below are some guidance notes which we hope will assist you in entering your results on line but please contact  if you need assistance.

Other reasons why it is vital to submit results on time and accurately are:

  • The knock-on effect for other competition entries and results if crew members don’t have the correct points.
  • The data from the online results is recorded for posterity in the British Rowing Almanack.

Competition insurance

All competitions must respond promptly to any request from insurance companies for information following an incident.  Insurance companies are within their rights not to pay a claim if they have asked for information and this has not been provided in an appropriate timescale.  Information about British Rowing Competition insurance can be found here.

Competition information for use in British Rowing Almanack

Please complete this form to send us the information about your competition that will be printed in Almanack. This will also be included in your competitions profile in BROE2.

Submit competition information

e.g. County Small Boats Head

e.g. stakeboat, free, beach

e.g. Upstream, downstream, tidal (both with and against the tide at different times of day), still water, coastal

Approximately how many crews can the competition accommodate?

Further Guidance

Competition Organisers’ Chart

A helpful chart from the National Competition Committee for organisers of competitions.

Is your Competition on Environment Agency (EA) waters?

Remember to remind visiting clubs that all boats taking part need a valid EA registration if your competition is on EA waters. Clubs can purchase annual registrations through British Rowing’s block booking scheme or buy temporary registrations from the EA directly.

Find out more

Alternatively, competitions on some EA waters may purchase visitor registrations en bloc from the EA for visiting crews attending their competition, for information on this please contact the EA on: or 03708 506 506. If you opt to do this please ensure that this is publicised to crews attending your competition.

Competitor insurance

To take part in an affiliated competition all British Rowing competitors must have valid racing membership. Competitors from Welsh clubs must also have valid British Rowing racing membership. Those representing Scottish clubs must be a registered member with Scottish Rowing. Coxswains are also required to be registered members. Membership provides competitors with insurance cover.

Club crews affiliated to any Association outside Great Britain, recognised by British Rowing or World Rowing do not have to be registered members. However, competitions should ensure that overseas entrants are covered for third party liability insurance.

Engagement of Health Care Professionals

In order to provide appropriate levels of protection to competitors and others, British Rowing recommends that Head and Regatta Committees request evidence of current health care professional registration from any health care professional they engage for medical cover at their competition.

The General Medical Council can be readily consulted for the cross-referencing of such registration evidence for doctors.

Information for other Healthcare Professionals can be checked as follows:

These are free, easily accessible websites and anyone can check; all you need is the individual’s name.

More in this section

Schools' Indoor Rowing

The following guidance explains how to organise an inter-school indoor rowing competition as part of the School Games programme.

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Submit Competition Contact Details

Use this form to let British Rowing know how to contact your competition's Secretary, Entries Secretary and Treasurer

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